The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Today’s Workplace

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Superior Legal Services for Every Client

Dickinson Wright is committed to providing superior legal services to every client. The firm is highly regarded because they recruit and retain professionals who have graduated at the top of their class and have proven themselves in both business and legal environments. They’re a leader in implementing diversity and inclusion efforts, both within their law firm and the industry. This is a company-wide effort — working with all departments (Marketing, HR, Accounting, etc.) to implement company policies (i.e., benefits) to appeal to minority and female attorneys and staff in an effort to retain and develop a diverse talent pipeline.

Dickinson Wright attorneys are respected by their clients and peers, honored by industry endorsements, and recognized through significant appointments to bar associations and the judiciary. Through the continuous and thoughtful application of people, process and technology, Dickinson Wright strives to provide the appropriate response to each client’s particular culture and need.