Timeshares: Your Home Away from Home

Learn About Timeshares, Your Home Away from Home

Airing Weekdays at 7:30AM ET|PT on

Helpful Info About These Desirable Vacation Properties

Ready to find your home away from home?

Abigail Bradshaw ofSellMyTimeshareNow.com joins the show to talk about the benefits—and the myths—of timeshare ownership. Timeshares combine the best aspects of owning a vacation home, with none of the stress.

Since 2003, SellMyTimeshareNow.com has featured the largest selection of timeshares for sale and timeshare rentals with discounts of up to 70% off retail pricing. Travelers can experience a timeshare vacation for the first time with affordable rentals at popular resorts and convenient online booking. Buyers benefit from a vast selection of timeshare resales, as well as affiliated brokerage services and title transfer services from a fully licensed, bonded, and insured closing company.

With more than 5.5 million annual visits to its family of websites, including visitors from 225 countries and territories around the world, SellMyTimeshareNow.com provides effective advertising and marketing solutions to timeshare owners.

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