Ygrene Financing Designed to Help You Save Energy and Protect Your Home

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A new way to finance home improvements

Ygrene offers an alternative way to finance energy-efficient and renewable energy upgrades for residential and smaller commercial properties in Florida. Depending on where your property is located, property owners may also be eligible for upgrades that help conserve water and protect against storm damage.

As a leading Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) provider, Ygrene allows you to leverage the equity in your property to make it even better. Ygrene offers unique advantages including low, fixed rates, zero down, and no prepayment penalties. Ygrene PACE financing is different from many other financing options because the financing is an assessment included with the property taxes. Approval is based on the equity in your home and income, not on credit scores. The financing uses your property as collateral, and places a first priority lien on your property ahead of other liens including mortgages. The financing is repaid over the financing term through your property taxes.

On the Money

Give the Gift of Education with my529 Savings Plan

my529 has been helping families save for education for more than 25 years. Investing now for future educational costs can add up and save folks from paying back money they’ve borrowed with interest.