Airing weekdays at 7:30 A.M. on

Airing weekdays at 7:30 A.M. on

Be in the know! Gildan® Activewear provides the right tools for the active woman on the go! Jason Liles talks about how Hibiclens kills germs. Get ready to indulge in cheesy deliciousness with Ricos Products.


Stop dreading your period. Francine and Carinne Chambers introduce their DivaCup, a revolutionary feminine hygiene product that’s durable, clean, odor free, and non toxic.


Today’s show takes you Behind the Mystery of a common hereditary bleeding disorder: von Willebrand Disease; plus The Balancing Act heads to the kitchen to cook up a fun breakfast recipe of customizable noodle omelets.


“Heavy menstrual bleeding” may be a relative term to your OB-GYN but to you, it’s a devastating reality that literally keeps you from living a normal life. Fear of outward bleeding restricts you from regular activities like work, errands and exercise. Worse, you often bleed heavily for two to three WEEKS. Your doctor isn’t giving […]


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