Rockit™ – A Healthy Snack for Back to School

Airing Weekdays at 7:30AM ET|PT on

It’s time to rockit. The perfect apple snack size.

Rockit™ Apples are a convenient, tasty, and healthy snack — all in a tiny package. Full of flavor, energy, and the nutrients you need, they’re a good-for-you snack that’s great on the go. Rockit™ Apples are a great source of fiber and Vitamin C, making them perfect when you want fresh fruit for the whole family. They’re small enough to fit in a lunchbox or backpack and come in a convenient tub, making them easy to carry anywhere. Rockit™ is a kid-friendly, miniature-size snack that you can trust your kids will eat right down to the core.

Everyday Gourmet

Bacon: No Longer Just for Breakfast!

Bacon is not just for breakfast anymore! Taste, texture, and aroma, along with simple-to-prepare recipes, make bacon the number-one choice for moms, dads, and kids — morning, noon, and night!