Farm to Fork: Ethical Farming

Airing Weekdays at 7:30AM ET|PT on

Passion drives our purpose

Proudly fulfilling their noble purpose, Christensen Farms responsibly provides wholesome, safe, and nutritious food to nearly 15 million people around the world with the help of their employees, their contract farmers, and partners.

They are one of the largest family-owned pork producers in the United States with a reputation for industry leadership, a commitment to ethical practices, and a team of passionate people invested in bringing high-quality pork to family tables.

Approximately 98% of pig farms are family owned, with those farmer families dedicating their livelihood to the care of pigs and producing a wholesome protein source for people within the United States and across the globe. Their farmers use practices to nurture and heal the environment, as well as embrace best practices and processes to foster optimal animal well-being. Pig farming and pork production generate positive economic activity within rural communities — they utilize “everything but the oink.”